Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mouthwash Makes Big Difference

Regular swishing with germ-killing mouthwash combined with regular brushing makes a big difference in preventing decay, a new study by the Academy of Generaly Dentistry shows.

In the study, those who used mouthwash regularly saw a 26 percent decline in plaque than those in placebo group.

Not only did it help reduce plaque, but also gingivitis and bleeding of the gums. In fact, 98 percent of those using mouthwash had a measurable improvement in gingivitis.

Three out of four Americans have gum disease and only three out of 100 get treated before it's too late.

The study was tested on adults, it's unclear if the same results apply to children or teens.

Regular removal of plaque by one of our hgyienists is also key to keeping your gums and teeth healthy. Call to schedule today at 702-991-0404 or schedule online.