Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fluoride - What You Need to Know!

Fluoride can be good, but it can also be bad if used in the wrong amounts. Parents need to be aware of what is in their drinking water and what their children are getting out of it.

Dr. Staples recommends this article for you to consider. For the first time in 50 years, the government is recommending a reduction in fluoride levels in water supplies.

Feel free to discuss fluoride with Dr. Staples at your next visit.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dry Mouth & Dental Implants

The effects of modern pharmacology are overwhelming. The cost of dry mouth cannot be underestimated. If you or someone you care about is taking even one or two medications, the chances of drastic change in the mouth is great. Cavities and periodontal disease will definitely increase. It's very important to be monitored more closely on a frequent basis by your dentist and hygienist to avoid the side effects to your dental health.

Dr. Staples recommends this article for more information: